Leverate Culture Pulse - July 2024

Written by Auliya Adriana

Leverate Group

Check Khodam, The Localize Zodiac


Khodam is widely known as a ‘spirit’ that acts as a protector in old Javanese beliefs. Many conversations have shown that people believe this spirit is part of someone’s ancestry and can take different forms depending on who the person is. This has caused a massive amount of curiosity about personal khodams. Although the conversation started last year, it has begun booming again recently. This resurgence is fueled by TikTok live sessions and a personalized website khodam detector, which can detect someone’s khodam randomly just by typing in their name. Many proudly call out their khodam and share it on social media.

What’s the insight?

  • Even in the modern era, Indonesians will always be interested in spiritual content and culture regardless if they truly believe it or just for fun.

  • Anything that is perceived as a part of Indonesian culture would usually be accepted positively, even if it is for humor.

How can brands tap in?

Aside from the quick and easy trend-jacking possibilities that this specific trend opens up, audiences appreciate brands that can open up and have fun. Incorporate trends that celebrate personalities and personalization, as Indonesians are curious about such subjects.

Fake It, Till (Strava) Jockey Make It 


Currently, running has become a mainstream sport activity for Indonesians, either individually or with their peers. This trend is evident through the widespread sharing of Strava achievements on Instagram stories. Strava is an app that calculates running distances. The trend reached a peak after a viral tweet promoted a 'Strava Jockey' service, which charges specific fees for predetermined distances and paces, and sends a screenshot of the 'run' results.

What’s the insight?

  • Recognition or validation has become essential for Indonesians, sharing achievements on social media is a mandatory and significant act, making ‘looking healthy’ seem more interesting rather than ‘being healthy’ for them.

  • Something that shows visible results that according to each individual, makes it more personal and becomes an achievement that is worth sharing.

How can brands tap in?

Drive UGC content by encouraging consumers to earn and share personalized badges or certificates based on their engagement with the brand. Establish leaderboards to celebrate milestones publicly, boosting recognition and motivation.

Ruangguru - Clash of Champions


Organized by Ruangguru and adapted from an international reality show, this program aimed to engage the public in education in a fun, competitive, and entertaining manner by bringing Indonesia’s smartest students. It also blows some conversation about how people are excited about the reality show.

What’s the insight?

  • Education shows, podcasts, and entertainment have always been served in Indonesian media, but they often stay within their own genre, focusing on educating the masses. Clash of Champions bringing together Indonesians' brightest young students in a competitive and unorthodox way has made Indonesians invested in the individuals that are in it to win it.

How can brands tap in?

Making educational content through fresh show format by supporting the education industry so it can reach a bigger audience. 

Combining two different genres can be an exciting way for an audience to consume old content.