Unlocking High Quality Leads : PermataBank’s Data-Driven Approach to Success

Background :
As the demand for personal loans in Indonesia continues to rise, traditional banks like PermataBank face a challenge in adapting to the digital landscape where digital platforms have become the most efficient way to deliver services. PermataBank offers PermataKTA, its personal loan product, accessible through the PermataMobile X app. The bank aims to effectively compete and achieve business growth in this evolving environment.

Approach :

PermataBank recognizes that overcoming this challenge requires a comprehensive and data-driven approach. By leveraging market insights, customer behavior data, and advanced analytics, PermataBank aims to refine its marketing strategies and optimize lead generation efforts, and deliver personalized experiences that meet the evolving needs and preferences of its target audience.PermataBank leverage their first party data & tools, such as, Appsflyer, as a mobile attribution tool to maximize the potential of their app, and Adobe Analytics, to track and measure the effectiveness of their campaign from end to end.

Impact :

PermataBank greatly enhanced lead generation efficiency by deploying a multichannel full-funnel strategy and tailored ads, with the following amazing results:

  • PermataBank achieved a remarkable 95% increase in click-through rate (CTR)
  • The campaign proved to be more efficient in driving qualified users, as evidenced by the remarkable 94% decrease in cost per approval.
  • This significant improvement led to a substantial increase in return on ad spend (ROAS), which skyrocketed by 14 times.